Natural solutions for Rapid Weight loss
According to a new survey, one of every 3 individuals are looking for a natural but functional solution to achieve rapid weight loss; but how many of us actually succeed?
Very few, as the prevalence of obesity is still fairly high in most parts of the world.
The greatest benefit of using natural solutions is low side effect/ adverse effect profile. Although, most natural solutions are slow (or very slow) to exert the effects, but most of us prefer good health over size zero.
What are some effective natural solutions for rapid weight loss?
The speed and pace of results can be improved by combining two or more weight loss remedies; such as:
Dietary Supplements
- Probiotics: Indigestion and chronic constipation contributes to weight gain, poor metabolism and inadequate calorie consumption. But using some natural solutions like probiotics can help in sorting out these digestive issues. Probiotics ad the name indicates are good bacteria that are required for effective digestion and assimilation of food and can be obtained from fermented products like yogurt, kafir, fermented vegetables etc.
- CLA: Conjugated linoleic acid is effective in building body muscles. Research indicates that muscles are metabolically more active than fat deposits and thus increase basal energy expenditure and calorie consumption even at rest. In addition, CLA supplements also helps in reducing body weight and serum concentration of bad quality cholesterol.
- DHEA: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid hormone that helps in controlling unwanted weight gain by strengthening the immune system and increasing the body metabolism rate.
Herbal Supplements
- Psyllium: Psyllium can be consumed in form of seeds/ extract/ oil or powdered form. The low calorie seeds are also high in fibers that keeps you full for a longer period of time; while facilitating the digestion and normal metabolism.
- Vitamin D: Some studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with obesity, which is why patients with chronic weight problems should get their vitamin D levels assessed in case of any imbalance.
- Triphala: It is a blend of three forms of myrobalans that help increasing the rate of basal energy expenditure; thereby promoting weight loss.
- Chitosan: Just like chia seeds and psyllium, chitosan is also low in calories and are obtained after modification of the shells of crustaceans. Chitosan can be used as a dietary supplements for weight loss in individuals of all age groups (2).
Herbal Teas
- Green Tea: The antioxidant rich green tea can be used as an adjuvant to your existing weight loss plan. According to a study conducted by Jergens (3) and associates, use of green tea alone has minimal effect on the weight loss per se. However, due to high concentration of quality antioxidants, it is highly beneficial as a detox tool to flush/ neutralize reactive oxygen species and toxins from the system. In addition, green tea also boost basal energy expenditure to facilitate long term weight loss. Healthcare providers encourage green tea use in over-weight/ obese individuals. This natural solution has minimal risk of side effects. If consumed in high doses, green tea (or green tea extract) can lead to nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.
- Oolong Tea: This are traditional Chinese tea that have been dried directly under the sun are known to promote weight loss.
Super foods
- Shirataki Noodles: These noodles are used in Japanese cuisine; they have low carbohydrate content and are a useful diet replacement for regular noodles.
- Spirulina: Spirulina is an alga that helps in suppressing the hunger because of its concentrated nutrient contents and high quality fibers.